The beginnings
Milo was born in 1910 as the first of three children in Berlin’s Brunnenstrasse.

Athletic Break through
At the age of 23 he qualified as a participant in the German delegation for the Maccabi competitions in Israel.

First Café
In the same year, Milo and his brother Jakob opened the legendary Café Alaska in the center of Jerusalem. The popular café was to become known beyond the city borders for its self-made ice cream. In the same year Milo and Iren get married.

Fateful year
Milo, only 38 years old, dies as a result of a massive explosion from a terror attack carried out by the Arab headquarters with the support of British dissidents
Closing Café Alaska
After his death, his brother Jakob continues to run the Café Alaska.
New openings
Samuel Zach grandson of Milo landed with his wife Avigail and their three sons Colin, Tomer and Oriel in Berlin and founded “MILO – Kosher Restaurant and Catering” in the Wilmersdorf district.

New Website
Milo gets a new website honoring Milos story.

Extending the menu
Milo receives a new website with additional offerings.

Best kosher cuisine in town
Milo delivers catering to various hotels in Berlin and offers kosher dishes for different groups. In the Tifferet Israel Synagogue at Passauer Straße 4, Milo offers space for groups between 10 to 60 guests and offers a variety of delicious menus to choose from.

Food choices matter because they are the most consistent ethical decisions we make throughout our day.
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exquisite delicacies
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Mehr Menschen entscheiden sich aus gesundheitlichen Gründen für KoscheR
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Was bedeutet koscher?
Koscher bezeichnet alle Lebensmittel, die strengen Ernährungsregeln des Judentums entsprechen. Diese Regeln werden Kashrut genannt. Die Regeln legen fest, welche Lebensmittel gegessen, wie sie zubereitet und wie sie kombiniert werden sollen.
Die Ggesundheitsvorteile einer kosheren Ernährung
Inmitten einer Flut von Ernährungsplänen, Gewichtsverlustpillen und extremen Trainingseinheiten war die Gesundheitsindustrie sicherlich ein Thema intensiver Prüfung. Es gibt jedoch eine Ernährungsweise, die praktische Vorteile für jeden bringt, der versucht, sich gesünder zu ernähren – koscher. Wie man zu Recht annehmen würde, waren koschere Lebensmittel ursprünglich eine einzigartige Küche, die spezifisch